How To Achieve Success

How to achieve success

How to achieve success

(Read For Success)

This is a story of how I achieved my goals and reached the goal I was working towards for months now. So this guide will help you too.

I started writing because I need to do it myself. It helps me so much, especially when I write about things I enjoy.


My first goal was to create an online course with no or little investment. My second goal was to make money from this platform so that's what I did! Now I am making more than $1000/month just by creating the courses on Udemy.

I think you can get in touch with me if you want to know my experience and advice about this topic.

I want to share my experiences with others who are going through these hard times right now. If you have any questions please give them to me.


Plan: Don't aim to be perfect but aim to plan and prepare for your future. Write down all of your ideas and goals and then make a list of those goals. The other day I thought "Oh yea, maybe I could start my blog" (Well yeah I did) but because I didn't plan I didn't see my dream coming true. But with time I came up with a plan, I did a lot of brainstorming, made many plans and worked on improving my skills, and so on. That's what will help you as well. Make sure your plan, vision, and actions match.


Focus: Find someone who inspires you; find someone who inspires you to take action. Set up a schedule of activities based on this person. For example, you may meet with people related to this person or work at his office for 5 days per week 5 days out of 7. Maybe you're a blogger and I see you post every day. Or maybe I see you posting on Twitter every single day. You need to have a way to focus so that you don't wander off in your personal life or your professional life. Setting up a schedule can bring you back on track. To achieve the goals you need to be focused.


Motivate yourself: When you create something with your hands, you have access to all possibilities. A lot of people will try to push themselves to come up with their idea but they won't succeed and this might have negative consequences. Think like that. Instead of pushing yourself to try and fail, you should think like "I'll fail anyway". Just believe in yourself. Believe that you will always be successful and you can still do your dreams. Sometimes we think we can't do our dreams and we think this is impossible but we can always move forward. Inspire yourself with positive thoughts and keep moving forward with a healthy mindset.


Have faith and belief: Life is not fair and sometimes failure happens. Some people do not succeed in their dreams because they don't trust their abilities or lack faith or even just beliefs. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and so does everyone else. People don't live without failures. They learn from them. We can't change results, but we can certainly improve upon them. There will be setbacks, and there will be difficulties, but your attitude towards whatever situation you're facing is key.


Be patient: Nothing worth accomplishing comes easy. No one goes into business for a month and says, “Oh let’s go build everything!" It takes years of practice to become great at something. It takes practice to master specific techniques and practice to be good at anything in life. Practice makes perfect. Without patience, nothing worthwhile, no matter what it may entail, would ever happen. Keep on learning, grow your talents, find new ways to develop them, and never stop practicing. Even when you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Do your best and stay motivated. Don't forget about failures and don't waste energy fighting against them. Learn from your mistakes, and use them to develop new skills.

It can even help when you wanna refine ur slang or formality level. That's especially useful when writing for a broad audience ranging from businessmen to friends and family, don't you think? It'll inspect your vocabulary carefully and suggest the best word to make sure you don't have to analyze your writing too much.


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